Daily Archives: September 23, 2012

[fancam] 120922 SMTown III in Indonesia – Super Junior

Sexy Free & Single – Kyuhyun Focus

Don’t don – Sungmin Focus


Sapphire Blue Ocean during Superman


Oppa oppa – eunhae

Just the Way You are – Kyuhyun Changmin

Dance Battle

[video] 120223 Super Junior at airport for SMTOWNIna

leeteuk fancam

on indonesia news

how to vote Super Junior 400 times in a day for MTV EMA 2012

Vote for SUPER JUNIOR on MTV EMA 2012. It’s very important! You can vote 100 times per day, it has 4 versions, so it’s 400 votes per day!

English http://asia.mtvema.com/artists/super-junior Chinese http://cn.mtvema.com/artists/super-junior Japanese http://jp.mtvema.com/artists/super-junior Korean http://kr.mtvema.com/artists/super-junior

Continuously click on the button “Vote” (so it counts several votes at one time) until ‘√’ appear, then refresh the page and vote again. Vote until it says, “You have exceeded the amount of votes allowed.”
Then open another version to vote again.

Repeat the steps for all 4 versions.

cr. @Yannie_203

120922 Fan Acc #SMTOWNJKT

»» Jadi gini cerita full-nya……. *ya Allah deg2an kalo inget2 lagi*”
»» Btw ini cerita bukan niat pamer ya, biar ga salah sangka gue bayar org dalem, sodara org dalem atau apalah. Males disuudzoni
n :)”
»» Gue di fest B, plg depan deket pager tp bkn yg ke stage dkt apa sih tuh rel2 yg buat kereta2 mereka(?). Bbrp menit sblm acara mulai ada 2 org korean staff yg ngeliatin ke arah gue smbl ngomong2 gt. Trs mrk keliling2 lg ky nyari2 org gt. Trs balik lg gue brg staff lain yg bs bhs indo. Dia blg ke gue “mau diajak ke stage gak” lgs teriak “MAU!!!!!!” trs lgs nangis ditempat saking senengnya
»» Krn udh tau itu pasti buat yg JTWYA-nya changkyu!!!! :”) trs dia nanya gue dr negara mana sm umur gue brp. Terus dia blg “km jgn pindah tempat ya, disini aja ntr lagu ke4 ikut kita keluar” HUA!! Trs org2 sekeliling lgs pd ngasih slmt, kyaa tambah mewek trs acaranya mulai, udh ga fokus, deg2an. Eh pas br lagu ke2 gue udh disuruh keluar, lompatin pager, digendong staffnya trs disuruh nunggu disamping stage, otak udh ga beres, nafas ga beraturan, deg2an, lemes, ga percaya, feels so incoherent
»» Staffnya berulang kali blg “relax ya relax, ntr di stage jgn ngapa2in duduk aja, gaboleh cium2, kl mrk yg pegang2 tgn km gpp
»» Yaudah tb2 lagu JTWYA berkumandang. Astaghfirullah ga berenti doa, takut pingsan di stage. Pas tgh2 lagu gue disuruh naik trs udah deeeeh gue di stage disamperin changkyu, bingung mau gmn, bingung mesti pasang tampang ky gimana, otak udh ga sinkron.
»» Udah deh gitu….~ Pas di stage kan ya gitu udh pada tau, pas udh kelar trs turun ke bawah brg Kyu, sebelom dia msk backstage lg dan gue balik ke tempat, Kyu nengok ke gue dulu terus senyum. ASTAGHFIRULLAH. MAU MATI. Baik amatttttttt. Trs gue blg “thankyouu!!” 😀
»» Udah kelar deh, ya Allah gabisa berenti ngucap syukur. Ga pernah nyangka bakal seberuntung ini.”
»» I thank you so much, I love you so much. I so happy that I could die. Gak akan pernah lupa @GaemGyu

cr: @taniaraa

sorry, i cant upload the pict. :p will upload that pict and others smtown jkt picts tomorrow. :p my conn is very poor lately

[vid] 120922 Shinhwa Broadcast – guest Super Junior ep. 28 | FULL + cuts compilation + soft eng sub/cc sub

cc sub/soft engsub

no engsub
part 1
part 2
( . . . . )

Sungmin’s skills

World Quiz Cut 2 & Shindong Moon Walk Dancing

Yesung’s rap & dance

KyuminZone @YT

[vid] 120922 Shinhwa Broadcast Ep 28 – Super Junior | full + cuts

part 1

part 2
( . . . . )

Sungmin’s skills

World Quiz Cut 2 & Shindong Moon Walk Dancing

Yesung’s rap & dance

KyuminZone @YT