[transcript/eng] 130727 Sungdong Cafe – Heechul

korean transcript >> http://blog.naver.com/song_minji/50176273698

cr. jwon0508

eng trans  : nksubs

HC: I’m telling you this in advance just in case; I’m returning from army on 8/31. I might leave without anyone knowing it. It’s more likely I won’t greet the fans. Because I talked with the company, and ‘Even if I am to receive some criticisms, it’d be best to just return quietly. I think the best way is to go out without greeting the reporters and fans..’ Even if I don’t greet you all, please don’t hate me too much. I think the best thing for me to do is to return quietly. I really miss you all, and I love you all. Let’s meet again after a month.


 The reason Sung Dong cafe was great to communicate with fans was because I could receive messages right away from message boards. That’s one of the reasons I love radio. I am far away from you all, but I miss you all, and love you all. I will do activities without causing a problem, so I hope you will all stay with me for a long time.. I really miss you all, and I love you all. (*hand kiss)


HC: I’m really known to be bad at doing aegyos, and I sleep in the dorms with the members or Asuka-jjang. Kangin-ssi always says this. ‘You only look for me when you are hungry’. I do things I use in situations like that. I tell them things, and if they go “Why did you do that! Why! What are you doing??” Then I’d go “Uh… I’m sickㅠㅠㅠㅠ I caught a cold ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ(*cry cry)”


HC: Right now, I am planning many things with the company. Variety shows these days are “family variety shows”, like “Dad, where are we going?” and “Real Man” so there isn’t many to guest on. So we’re still considering schedules.


HC: I was suppose to (end SungDong Cafe DJ-ing) at end of June, but many people enjoyed it, so we changed it to end of July


HC: I threw away Asuka-jjang but our dorm auntie washed it, and dried it. These days, I still hug it and watch TV, but because it’s getting washed, the colors are fading, and I feel sad. I feel like she’ll gradually disappear


HC: One of the shows we’ve talked about (that I want to appear on) was SNL. Appearing on it, and working with Shin Dongyeop-ssi. I match well. If I do go on SNL, I can do otaku, pervert roles. It won’t be acting hehe. I think I can do those roles really well.


Q: Are you on a diet?
Heechul: Yes. There are things I am learning from the fitness coach, and sometimes, I go to first floor to run on treadmill with Kangin-ssi. I’m not trying to make my body size larger by exercising, so aerobic exercises are enough.

Posted on July 27, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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